Free professional resume template example

Hi there 🙂

Have you been in such situation where all your valuable time and effort into writing a résumé has brought you none expected results? Today’s free file is a professional resume template example prepared of the total attention about details. This sample of professional curriculum vitae template is ready to print, simply enter information about yourself, upload your photo and create a QR code. It is really simple since this professional resume template is created in Photoshop.

If you are wondering, how to create such as QR code, feel free to visit e.g., where you can easily generate one. Or you can Google other QR code generators, if that one you don’t like.

But let’s start from the top. For your name and your position, you can use the header. Rest of the template is divided into three columns and couple of sections.

First column is focused on yourself. You can insert you profile picture, contact details to which are thematic icons attached and describe your skills. Both professional and language ones.

Second column is entirely focused on your current and earlier work experience. For every job position you’ve got in past, there is small block, where you can put the title, small description, geographical position and relevant dates.

Last, third, column is focused on your educational background, awards and achievements, interests designed as tag cloud and above mentioned QR code.

And since this professional resume template example is created in Adobe Photoshop and there are parts of the rĂ©sumĂ© that doesn’t suits you, you can pretty easily change them. Also worth to mention is that this rĂ©sumĂ© template example is using unusual font set. But don’t worry, if you like this font set, link for download is included in the zip file as well.

Professional resume template example preview


Professional resume template example close up preview

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Download this professional resume template example for free

If you would visit webpage of author of this résumé, you can do it via this link.

So guys, what do you think about this professional resume template example? What do you think about the QR code used? Do you think it is a good idea? Or you would rather fill in different personal information? Please share your thoughts with us on our social media channels. Any kind of feedback is really helpful to us.

Thank you for reading this blog post and stay tuned for more and more templates coming your way.