We are about to present you another beautiful piece of professional resume template design example. This beautiful and handy piece is created in Adobe Photoshop tool. This means that it is easily editable and maintainable. So by couple of clicks and minutes, you can have your professional resume template ready for your HR recruiter.
So let us describe how can your future resume template look like.
On the top, there is a header with resume title, place for your full name and your current position. Next to your name, there is spot for your picture. You can also mention e.g. website, e-mail contact and phone number.
Than you can start describing your professional experience. You can put the time range in a simple circles and description of your current or previous position on couple of lines. Under the professional experience, in a similar way, you can describe your educational history.
On the right side of your résumé template, you can then focus on your skills. The skills can be graphically described by bullet points. Next step is to fill in awards or achievements. If you achieved some, you can describe them underneath the skills section.
Professional resume template design example preview
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Thank you very much for reading and have a great rest of the day.