Graphic designer single page CV template

Good morrow buddies 🙂 ,

I’d like to show you today a graphic designer single page CV template created by site. This resume template is suitable (not only for) graphic designers, photographers, artists and so on …

This single page cv template is created in in Photoshop (.psd) format. And that fact makes this template easily editable due to fully layered design. I also need to mention that on this CV template, special product icon set is used and it can be extended by new ones or completely changed. On the top of the template, there is a plenty of space where you can for your photo/picture/avatar or whatever you find best for you 🙂

CV template is, of course, free to download and file by itself is very small in size. It has only 2.5 Mb. So in matter of minutes, you can have your new and professional single page CV ready. And you can be almost 100% sure, that you will impress your recruiter.

Graphic designer single page CV template preview


Download graphic designers single page CV template

If you would like to visit authors website of this template here is the link. On this page you can find some other examples of creative, functional resume templates.