Europass template set

Hello everybody,

today I would like to introduce you Europass template set. You’ll find out some background, details about this project.

Background of this project

Europass template set  is a European Union (Directorate General for Education and Culture) initiative to increase transparency of qualification and mobility of citizens in Europe. It aims to be a “Lifelong Learning Portfolio” of documents containing the descriptions of all learning achievements, official qualifications, work experience, skills and competences, acquired over time, along with the related documentation.

The five Europass template documents are the Curriculum vitae, Language Passport, Europass Mobility, Certificate supplement, and Diploma supplement, sharing a common brand name and logo. It aims to make a person’s skills and qualifications clearly understood throughout Europe (including the European Union, European Economic Area and EU candidate countries).

What is Europass?

Five documents to make your skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe:

Two documents freely accessible, completed by European citizens:

  • the Curriculum Vitae helps you present your skills and qualifications effectively and clearly. You can create your CV online using tutorials or download the template, examples and instructions.
  • the Language Passport is a self-assessment tool for language skills and qualifications. You can create your Language Passport online using tutorials or download the template, examples and instructions.

Three documents issued by education and training authorities:

  • the Europass Mobility records the knowledge and skills acquired in another European country;
  • the Certificate Supplement describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of vocational education and training certificates;
  • the Diploma Supplement describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of higher education degrees.

A network of National Europass Centres – the first point of contact if you want to learn more about Europass.


So guys, what do you thin about this European initiative to create such Europass template set of documents? Do you like it or you would change something? Please let us know your thought on our social media channels because every kind of feedback is appreciated 🙂

Thank you for reading and enjoy your day.