Creative professional curriculum vitae template

Howdy friends, today we will focus on a creative professional curriculum vitae template. Since this template is labeled with a keyword creative, it is indeed created in Adobe Photoshop tool….

Perfect CV

How to write the perfect CV for the job you want

Today we have another set of tips how to write a perfect CV. Rather than list your skills – adapt your CV A common mistake is to write a career…

Modern Swiss style resume template

A beautiful, modern, and minimalistic Swiss-style resume template is available for download in Photoshop .psd format. It is customizable, layered, and can fit on A4 paper. It features sections for contact information, work experience, education, skills, and achievements. Feedback and shares are appreciated to improve their site.

Simple business resume template example

Hello everybody, Todays post will be quite short but template below is definitely worth to check. It is another simple business resume template created in Microsoft Word format. Advantage in working with this template…

skills text on black background

How to Write a Skills-Focused Resume that Gets You Noticed

In today’s competitive job market, employers are looking for candidates who have the necessary skills to perform the job and add value to the organization. Skills are the abilities and…

high angle photo of robot

ChatGPT: The Ultimate Writing Assistant for Crafting the Perfect Resume

Job seekers often find the process of crafting a perfect resume to be daunting and time-consuming. However, with the emergence of AI-powered writing assistants like ChatGPT, the task of resume…

man and woman near table

Cracking the Code: How to Research a Company and Industry for a Successful Interview

To prepare for a job interview, thoroughly research the company and industry. Start with the company’s website, read industry trends, check social media, network with employees, and prepare thoughtful questions. Demonstrating knowledge and expertise shows genuine interest, positioning you as a strong candidate and increasing your chances of getting the job.

Free simple and minimalistic resume template

Good day dear friends and followers, today we’d like to present you one free simple and minimalistic resume template. This creative piece of template is made in Adobe Photoshop. This actually also…

Simple minimalistic resume template

Cheerio everybody 🙂 , Today, I’d like to introduce you a nice, simple, minimalistic and partly infographic resume template design. This template is created in Adobe Photoshop, fully layered, format and therefore…

Clean and simple, single page resume template

How are you doing dear friends, We are about to present you today, clean and simple, single page resume template. And even though, in header of this article is used…

Fitness trainer curriculum vitae template

Today’s featured item is a versatile, Photoshop-designed curriculum vitae template primarily for fitness trainers but customizable for other professions like programmers or graphic designers. It includes sections for a photo, contact details, statements, work experience, and skills, fitting all on a single A4 page. Free download available.

Creative professional multipage resume template example

Howdy-do friends and followers, This week we’ve got prepared for you another beautiful, creative, professional multipage resume template. This piece is created in Adobe Illustrator and this actually gives you…

Free creative single page resume template

Howdy dear friends and followers, We are about to present you beautiful free creative single page resume template. This beautiful piece is created in Adobe Illustrator and this means that…

Microsoft Office resume template gallery

Hello friends, Today I would like to present you not a single resume but a basic resume template gallery. This gallery comes directly from Microsoft corporation – specifically from their Office centre….

memorable resume

Mistakes to avoid during resume/cover letter creation

Your curriculum vitae can end up in trash can because of basic mistakes that you might not even realize. In this post, I’d like to sum up some of those mistakes/reasons,…